■ Hello School 英語 練習問題(ハロ英) Lesson 24 否定  ■

 (1) Not all the students pass this exam.
    of / this / some / all / the / pass / students / not

 (2) This is no difficult job.
    a / very / easy / is / difficult / this / job / not

 (3) There is no rule without exceptions.
    has / all / exceptions / every / rule / don't

 (4) She doesn't know any of them.
    doesn't / them / knows / of / she / none / some

 (5) She doesn't know both of them.
    either / doesn't / she / all / know / of / knows / them

2.次の各日本文に合うように適語を下の[  ]の中から選びなさい。

 (1) 彼は決して作家ではない。
    He is [          ] but a writer.

 (2) 勉強はHello Schoolほどいいものはない。
    There is [          ] like studying for Hello School.

 (3) 彼らは会えば必ず野球をします。
    They [          ] meet without playing baseball.

 (4) それらのどちらも間違っていない。
    [          ]of them is wrong.

 (5) 彼らたちは1人も怒っていない。
    [          ]of them is angry.

[ neither nothing never anything none]


 (1) Neither of them read this book.

 (2) He hasn't heard any of her songs.

 (3) None of the pencils were used.

 (4) Not everything is efficient in life.

 (5) I'm not always at home on Mondays.

4.次の日本文を[  ]の中の単語を用いて英文に直しなさい。(10点×2問=20点)

 (1) 彼女はあまりの悲しみに泣かざるを得なかった。[ could ]

 (2) 人気のある本が必ずしもいい本とは限らない。[ necessarily ]

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